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Coffs Collections is a search engine, so it works a bit like Google. It is now open for you to explore our Arts and Heritage collections. 

Browsing Content

You can click on any image on the home page to browse through the content. Alternatively, you can run a search for specific items of interest.

Using the Search Function 

If you want to restrict your search to a specific format, such as photographs, just use the refine these results option behind the search tab on the left hand side of the page.


The word Metadata refers to the records that describe items or photographs. When you type in any words, the search engine will look across all of the information in each record.  Some words will be highlighted in a different colour to indicate that they are a link to follow.  


OCR means Optical Character Recognition, which is a software process to make words searchable. If you are familiar with Trove, you will know how to search all of the words in newspapers. Some of the documents in Coffs Collections have been OCRd to make them fully searchable.

Privacy Policy

This site observes the Privacy Policy of the host company, New Zealand Micrographic Services. The Coffs Harbour City Council does not collect any personal information from this service.